دليل الإنتاج


السيرة الذاتية

Yousef Nateel Director/Producer Nationality Palestinian. Born in KSA 22/5/1988. Diploma Degree in TV Arts from the Palestine College. Mob. +970592622700 / +970598996229 Email. Jozef-nateel.tv@msn.com / info@hardyskills.com " Filmography " -Executive Producer of (Paper Boat), 2015 ( Directed by Mahmmoud Ghalwa). Produced by Hardy Skills For media and film Production & Amer Nasser. -Director of (Black Friday), 2015. Produced by Hardy Skills For media and film Production -Services production of (Sara 2014) , 2014 ( Directed by Khalil Mozayen). which was Official selected at Dubai International Film Festival (DIFF). produced by Lama Film & AM Qattan Foundation and Dubai Film Market ENJAAZ. -Director of (Mahmoud) , 2013. Funded by UNICEF, produced by Hardy Skills For media and film Production -Director of (Child labor) , 2013. Funded by Save the Children, produced by Hardy Skills For media and film Production - Director of (Palestinian Museum) 12 episodes , 2013. Funded by Welfare Association for Youth, produced by Hardy Skills For media and film Production -Production Manager of (Gaza 36mm), 2012 ( Directed by Khalil Mozayen & Tarzan & Arab Nasser) produced by LAMA FILM. -Director of (Schools in Buffer Zone) Documentary Film , 2012. Funded by UNESCO Produced by Hardy Skills For media and film Production . -Got Prizes of " Video Art Prize at CCF" for 1- Forth Place for the film " Tayyeb W B3deen" 2- the Fifth place for " DON’T KILL YOURSELF "




 إدارة الإنتاج

